Wednesday, 4 September 2013

EMPLOYMENT AND EFFECT OF UNEMPLOYMENT(using Nigeria as a case study)

T he word employment and unemployment has different meaning. But let’s first look into employment. Employment means the state of being employedhaving a job OR Employment is the act of giving someone a job. In my own point of view, employment is the occupation for which you are paid. The entire individual that is up to the age of work, both skilled and unskilled should not be unemployment. Now let’s look at the word Unemployment Oxford dictionary defined Unemployment as the state of not having a job. The rate of unemployment is an indicator of the health of economy and is also a serious social evil. In my own point of view, I will say that unemployment is an economic condition marked by the fact that individuals seeking for jobs remain not hired. The number of proportion of unemployment is speedily increasing. Unemployment is expressed as a percentage of the total available work force. The level of unemployment varies with economic conditions and other circumstances and it is affecting our country and our youths.
THE POTENTIAL NEEDS TO BE EMPLOYED The population of every economy is divided into two categories. The economically active and the economically inactive. The economically active population (labor can equally used as work) labor can be skilled or unskilled. Here the designation is to separate the tasks that require some special training and the aptitude acquired in the process. One needs to be a carpenter to be able to produce furniture. In the same way, to build a proper modern house needs the skill of a building engineer. On the contrary, there is little or no special training required in digging a hole with a hoe or a shovel. Conventionally, such labor is termed unskilled because in a very general way, it is open to most people that have the physical strength and the readiness to exert it in the fulfillment of such task. Working population refers to the population that is willing and able to work, including those actively engaged in the production of goods and services (employed). And those who are unemployed refer to people who are willing and also capable of working but are unable to find suitable paid employment. So the people of this statue have the necessary needs to be employed. The next category, the economically inactive population refers to people who are neither working nor looking for jobs. Examples includes: housewives, fulltime students and invalid, those below the legal age of work, old and retired person.
THE CRISES THAT CREATS MORE UNEPLOYMENT IN NIGERIA. I regret some very recent events which are novelties in our country but which are certainly condemnable, especially the advent of hitherto unknown suicide bombing. It is mindless violence that does not bring any body any good. Some industries, factories, schools etc, have being destroyed. This nasty event have render most of Nigerians homeless and jobless. There are some more other crises that create unemployment which have been a bother to Nigerian government but this issue can not be disclosed here. Check our next up coming article.
THE EFFECT OF UNEPLOYMENT IN NIGERIAN YOUTHS Nigeria is the most popular country in Africa with a population of 154,729,000 citizens. Our nominal GDP is $207.116 billion and we have a nominal per capita income of $1, 4011. Nigeria also has the second largest economy in Africa. If I may ask, is this country not blessed? Yet, it is still plagued by youth’s unemployment which had been one of our major problems in recent years. Both government and the private sector had discussed this issue at forums and conferences but have not found a solution to it. Its continued existence had been linked to lack of power supply and financial empowerment for youth. Youth unemployment in Nigeria is mostly referred to as graduate unemployment and this means that only the skilled youth are seen as unemployed while the unskilled youths are not given consideration. Unemployment causes a lot of bad effects in human lives. The effect of unemployment can lead someone to become a traitor in hisher own country. Indeed human work is a noble and enduring enterprise that cuts across humans of all class, culture and climate. Without work civilization will be nonexistence, development of people and nation would have been meaningless. The old adage holds which says that “man works to live.” Infact, it is really difficult if not impossible to image a world without human work, without the material works of man, his technology, systems of commerce and industries, his cultural cum socio-economic institutions, systems of belief and human organizations. For the betterment of this country, Nigeria government should build more factories or create more job opportunities for our vibrant young men and women of virtue. By ANGEL PHILOMENA.

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